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Year 6

Welcome to Year 6


Welcome to Year 6. This page is designed to give you an overview of what to expect from Year 6 over the coming year.


Throughout the year, we will be encouraging the children to become independent, responsible and resilient young people. We set high expectations for both ourselves and each other.


Reading & Reading Books

In Key Stage 2 the children keep a record of the books that they read and need to comment in their own reading log.  Please feel free to add any comments as parents.


We encourage the children to read a range of material in addition to any of the books taken from school. It is vital that the children develop a true love of reading as they progress in Year 6 from learning to read to reading to learn.


Independent learning

Children all have their own individual logins to access Spelling Shed, Times table Rockstars and Purple Mash. Children in Year 6 should be aiming to spend 15 minutes of their time at home practicing their times tables and spellings.


Uniform & PE Kit

Please make sure your child’s name is written into all items of PE kit, uniform and coats. This makes identification of lost items so much easier.


As always, we encourage the children to come to school looking smart, with shirts tucked in, top buttons fastened and black sensible shoes. Trainers and boots are not allowed. Nails should be clean and free of nail varnish.



Snacks & Packed Lunches

As a healthy school we encourage the children to eat a wide range of healthy snacks and lunches. We would prefer fruit or vegetables only for playtime snacks and water for drinks during the day.



Please follow our school Twitter feed, to share in the wonderful work going on in school @StMarysDuk


Class DoJo

We use Class DoJo to set online learning, share examples of good work and share whole school messages.  Please ensure that you are linked in to our class page.


To further enhance the children’s learning experience, if you have any photographs or video clips of any interesting or exciting activities completed at home or anywhere outside of school that you would like to share with us, please upload them on to Class DoJo.


We are really looking forward to working with you and your child over the coming year. With your help and support each child will be able to fully access their learning in order to achieve their full potential.


Thank you for your continuing support