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Catholic Life

We are proud to be a Catholic school and we hope that the Catholic Life of our school is evident in all we do, from the moment you come in to contact with us.  We aim to be a welcoming family and we know that our families and visitors to the school often talk about the warm welcome they receive.  Our faith permeates all we do and through our exciting curriculum, we hope for pupils to achieve a knowledge of the world, illuminated by faith


Religious Education is a big part of our school life and is taught as a core subject. We ensure that each class fulfils the Diocesan recommendation of 10% teaching time and we follow the Bishop’s chosen scheme of “The Way, The Truth and The Life” in a creative way. RE is so much more than just lessons at St Mary’s as our faith permeates everything that we do.

We recognise the importance of children having a knowledge of other religions of the world. We, therefore, include a whole school focus on one of the main religions of the world.

One of the core reasons for this is to promote respect and tolerance of those different faiths and beliefs.  This is, of course, in line with core British Values.

Prayer Life is an important part of who we are at St Mary’s. We pray and worship in a variety of ways at different times and different places. We have Masses where the whole school celebrate together and Masses for individual classes, assemblies led by the teachers and assemblies led by the children, in particular our wonderful Faith Council.  We reflect on our own, in groups, in classes or all together. We sing together, we pray together, we listen, reflect and respond to scripture. We've even become experts at online assemblies and socially distanced worship - nothing can stop our collective worship and we firmly believe that a family that prays together, stays together!  Sometimes our worship raises the roof and at other times it is quiet, meaningful and reflective. We take our lead from the church’s liturgical year.  We help our children to understand the teachings of the Church and to translate their faith into their daily life.